While working for the Selina hotel chain, I had the opportunity to develop 3 completely personalized and different beers. Later they were launched in Selina Costa Rica. ALMA is a lager, golden and light, with 3.5% alcohol; MENTE is a Pilsener with the characteristic bitter flavor, 5% alcohol volume and CUERPO is an IPA, with fruity aromas and an intense bitterness, with 6.5%.
“These beers are exclusive to our brand and we feel that many national and international customers are looking to try different and particular drinks and that is precisely why we decided to promote them. Alma was a success and we have no doubt that Mind and Body will also be a success.”commented Martina Sacchi, Destination Director of Selina Costa Rica.
These drinks reinforce Selina's values: create experiences, connecting cultures from all over the world, since, by being sold only in its hotels, it allows its visitors to try them in the company of other people who are in the place, thus generating memorable moments next to a delicious drink.